
How to show validation Error Message in MVC view?

Maharudra Gadekar

Maharudra Gadekar

Nov 16 2016 2:58 AM
I am design the view using table  tag and put all controls with validationmessagefor(i.e @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.firstname ) and also define in my model that properties show add required dataanotation are as follws:
[Display(Name = "First Name(????? ???):")]
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Enter First Name")]
public string firstname { get; set; }
and also check in my controller [HttpPost ]
actionresult method
my save data logic
return view();
 then if i am not enter the field textbox value and click on button then does not the validation error message........
but  i am using scafolding feature using create view then add field in div tag then show error message......
How to resolved my problam...plz help  me.
Thanks in advance

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