How to set A4 size for FlowDocument under Window in WPF C# ?

Aug 14 2017 9:22 AM
I have a flowdocument under a Window in WPF C# desktop application. I want to print the flow document for A4 size. How do I set size so that content under the flow document covers full A4 paper size? 
<Window x:Class="CarpetChallan.Window1"
   Title="Window1" Height="730" Width="800">
      <FlowDocumentReader ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll=" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" IsPageViewEnabled="True">
         <FlowDocument ColumnWidth="999999" PageHeight="21cm" Name="CallanFlowFoc">

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