Prasad Bhagat

Prasad Bhagat

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how to refresh a web method per a set a time interval ?

Jun 1 2016 5:20 AM
Dear All ,
am implemeting a project that am using,ajax jqueary
i have a webmethod like bellow
public static ColdStorage.Entity.DeviceDataDetails GetDeviceData(string abc,string cba)
/.... some code here to get data from data base ../ 
and now my jqueary finction like bellow
$(document).ready(function () { 
unction fnGetDeviceData() {
var ddlDevice =$("#ddlDevice").val();//"NHMSES0001";//
var datepicker = $("#ddlYear").val() + "-" + $("#ddlMonth").val() + "-" + $("#ddlDate").val();// $("#datepicker").val();
type: "POST",
url: "Reports.aspx/GetDevicesReport",
data: "{'DeviceId' : " + JSON.stringify(ddlDevice) + ",'Date' : " + JSON.stringify(datepicker) + "}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
datatype: "jsondata",
success: function (ResultSet) {
if ((ResultSet.d != null) && (ResultSet.d != "undefined")) {
if (ResultSet.d.ResultStatus.StatusInd == -1) {
var getDevice = ResultSet.d.lstReportsDetails;
else {
the above program was called in the page load with 2 value and bind the data from databse ,
now i want to after binding the data from data base ,and after 30 seconds i want to refresh the page  and get the data from database.
now here  the time interval i would like to mainatain in web.conifg file .
please tell me how can i achive this am using,c#,ajax jqauery 

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