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How to Design This Style of Menu !!!

May 18 2015 12:37 PM


I want to create a Menu in my master file - horizontal menu with vertical sub menus. I want to have images on top of each menu. Each menu & it's sub Menu of different color. Of this type as shown below :

 If the above img is not visible 

Link to the image of the Menu I want - https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=572D7026B8B4C709!1387&authkey=!AMV1QfmQw9cTPBg&v=3&ithint=photo%2cpng

Or check the menu in DaniWeb site. On MouseOver, the sub menu's come up. I tried using <asp:Menu>, <ul>, but couldn't get this type of menu on the top. I want to insert Menu in my header div :

<div class="headerDiv">
<asp:Image ImageAlign="Middle" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/titleLogo.png" Height="26" Width="26" />
<asp:Label runat="server" Text="Vincitore CRM"></asp:Label>
<asp:LoginView runat="server" ID="logView" ViewStateMode="Disabled">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
<li><a runat="server" href="~/Account/LoginForm">Log in</a></li>
<asp:Menu runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal">
<asp:MenuItem ImageUrl="~/Images/EnterIcon.jpg" Text="Inquiry" Value="Inquiry">
<asp:MenuItem Text="Add" Value="Add"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem Text="import" Value="import"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem Text="Channel" Value="Channel"></asp:MenuItem>
<%-- <div id="menu">
<ul class="nav">
<li><a href="~/Inquiries/Default.aspx" runat="server">Enquiry</a>
<li><a href="#" runat="server">Add</a></li>
<li><a href="#" runat="server">Edit</a></li>
<li><a href="#" runat="server">Info</a></li>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
<li><a runat="server" href="~/Account/Manage" title="Manage your account" >Hello, <%: Context.User.Identity.Name %> !</a></li>
<asp:LoginStatus runat="server" LogoutAction="Redirect" LogoutText="Log off" LogoutPageUrl="~/Account/LoginForm" OnLoggingOut="Unnamed_LoggingOut" />
CSS Class
.headerDiv {
height:7%; /*40px*/
background: black;
color: white;
padding-left: 20px;

Along with on right menu i.e. of Logout & User name.

With the above trials, either the right menu doesn't come OR menu is coming below the image & Label. OR The sub menu's doesn't come or not visible as the header height is set.

What can be the best way to design such a menu ?

Any help is highly appreciated. Please try to guide soon.



Answers (5)