Prasad Bhagat

Prasad Bhagat

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how to create mobile sms api using c#?

Sep 2 2015 10:37 AM
Dear all,
Recently am created a E-Commerce WebPortal using and wcf rest services ,now i have a problem,after my coustomers transaction need to send confirmation sms to coustomer and after delivery of product need to send message ,how to create mobile sms api using c#?
need to create a api for sending messages
what are the required things to create a sms api?
and how to achive it?
i know that there a no of third party providers avvillable in the market  but am thinking that need to build my own ?
please help me seniours iam .net developer expline me in that way ..
thanks and Regards
Prasad Bhagat 

Answers (1)