geo zhou

geo zhou

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How to call a DLL with message loop

Mar 27 2007 6:05 PM
 I want to re-write a C# application(exe) to C# DLL. This application
starts by

           myApp.MainApplication app = new myApp.MainApplication();
           Application.Idle += new

 But when I move all the code into a DLL and try to call the DLL from
a test program by

 I got next error
  "Starting a second message loop on a single thread is not a valid
operation. Use Form.ShowDialog instead."

 I tried to change

 Error was gone but I can't get mouse event. Application was not
runing correctly.

I changed my test porgram
   Application.Run(new form1());
  Form myform = new Form1();

Same error message was returned.

 Anyone has any idea about it, or any related infomation is helpfull.

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