suman goud

suman goud

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How to calculate multiple textboxes and handling NaN

Sep 7 2016 5:58 AM
var origValue = 0 //keeping pending value in original state
$scope.GetTotalAmount = function (data) {
var popDiscAmount = $scope.DiscAmount;
var popDiscAmount1 = $scope.DiscAmount1;
if (origValue == 0) {
origValue = $scope.ReceiptsViewModel.Amount;
$scope.ReceiptsViewModel.Amount = (origValue - popDiscAmount);
$scope.ReceiptsViewModel.Amount = ($scope.ReceiptsViewModel.Amount popDiscAmount1);
$scope.ReceiptsViewModel.Amount = ($scope.ReceiptsViewModel.Amount - $scope.AdjustAmount );
calculations are working properly,but when i changing discAmount to10 total value showing NaN, same for discAmount1,
but when i enter AdjustAmount 20, total value adjusting 1000-(10+10+20)=960 showing total value correctly, after closing popup
discAmount changed  with 10, amount should subtract by 10 from amount , same for discAmount1 also ,  

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