How to bind gridview using Nhibernate

Mar 13 2012 8:25 AM
I am using Nhibernate with

i have got data using HQL in Ilist

but when i bind Ilist with gridview

I gives me error "customername" field not foung in selected datasiurce

althoug i define column in gridview and there is a column with same name

My confusion is

when i decalare Ilist what should be it type

i mean i have 2 classes
1) Customer 2) City

i have got data from database by using this Query
"SELECT ct.Cityname,cust.CustomerName,cust.Gender FROM City as ct,Customers as cust where ct.Cityid=cust.Cityid"


2 different table

so what should be ilist type

IList Lst = new List();
IList Lst = new List();

and how to bind it with gridview
