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how to bind a web grid to a data source

Jun 1 2016 3:15 PM

Hello everyone m facing difficulty in binding my we grid in view to datasource through my controller action here is my code :


public DataContext()

: base("conn")



public DbSet<GeshaftPartner> geschaftPartner { get; set;}



var grid = new WebGrid(Model);

grid.GetHtml(columns:grid.Columns(grid.Column("PartnerName1","Name",canSort :true),





public ActionResult ShowSelectedPartnerGrid_EF(string partnerID)


DataContext db = new DataContext();

var strQuery = "select PartnerName1,AnSchriftOrt from db.geschaftPartner =" + partnerID;

return View(strQuery.AsEnumerable());

The "partnerID" I am getting from another view ..based on this partnerID I want to fetch the row from my DataBase and show it in the grid
any suggestions are really appreciated.. thanx in advance 







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