petre ricardo

petre ricardo

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How do i access the member of another class from aclass through a reference object?

Mar 9 2010 1:51 AM

Hi friends,
I have written the followin two classes in mY BLL:

public class InventoryItem

public int MinOrderQuantity { get; set; }
public int MaxOrderQuantity { get; set; }

internal MasterItemInventory myMasterItemInventory;
public ItemStockLevel _MyItemStockLevel;

public InventoryItem()
myMasterItemInventory =
new MasterItemInventory();
_MyItemStockLevel =
new ItemStockLevel();
public byte Save()
return myMasterItemInventory.Save(this);
public class ItemStockLevel
public int ItemID { get; set; }
public int StockTakeDate { get; set; }
public int QIS { get; set; }
public ItemStockLevel()
//no code
public byte Save()
//no code


The above two classse are within the same namesapce BLL
then i tried to access the members of ItemStockLevel from the reference myIventoryItem.MyItemStockLevels from my client app as:
using BLL:
public class Form{
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

myIventoryItem._MyItemStockLevel.StockTakeDate =
byte scode = myIventoryItem.Save();
the line :
myIventoryItem._MyItemStockLevel.StockTakeDate = int.Parse(cmbStockTakeDate.Text);

gives the followig error
Error 1 'ICSBLL.InventoryItem' does not contain a definition for '_MyItemStockLevel' and no extension method '_MyItemStockLevel' accepting a first argument of type 'ICSBLL.InventoryItem' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) F:\C#\Lab\InventoryControlSystem\InventoryControlSystem\frmInventoryItemAdmin.cs 60 36 InventoryControlSystem

Why this happense and how do i fix this?

Answers (3)