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Help with auto press keys.

Sep 22 2008 4:41 PM

I am learning C# at the moment, but I am still completely newb, so please bear with me.

For the last few days, I have been trying to make a simple program, which automatically can open and close a window (with a specified delay).

This is a screenshot of the program, I am trying to construct:

The problem is that I have no idea how to write the code for the program.

Basically, the algorithms should be something like this when clicked "Start":

1) Open file "index.html" (in same folder)
2) wait X seconds (what chosen in the options)
3) if checked send keys ALT + TAB
4) send keys CTRL + W
5) wait Y seconds (chosen as second option)
6) Loop 1-5 until press "Stop"

The program doesn't need to remember the option if you shut it down, if just they are working.

I hope you can help me with this, because I am really lost :)

Best Regards,