Maria Bili

Maria Bili

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Help me fix and make a progressbar recieve in client recieve

Dec 10 2012 10:35 AM
Hi all, I have project about send a recieve file in LAN network between 2 PC, code of progressbar in server run good and code of progressbar recieve file in client program I have write but when debug it don't notify fail but it don't run. Please fix it for me
Code in client program I have add some line and function below that I have mark // in behind code:
public delegate void Updatepgdstatus(int s, int p);//
pgbStatus.Value = 0;//
lblProgressbar.Text = "";//
int progress = 0;//
int size = len;//
progress += len;//
set2(size, progress);//
set3(progress.ToString() + " Byte of " + size + " Byte");//
void set3(string s)//
 if (InvokeRequired)
 object[] pList = { s };
 lblProgressbar.BeginInvoke(new UpdateListBoxCallBack(OnUpdateLabel1), pList);   }
private void OnUpdateLabel1(String s)//
 lblProgressbar.Text = s;
void set2(int s, int p)//
 if (InvokeRequired)
 object[] pList = { s, p };
 pgbStatus.BeginInvoke(new Updatepgdstatus(OnUpdatepgdstatus), pList);
 OnUpdatepgdstatus(s, p);
private void OnUpdatepgdstatus(int s, int p)//
 pgbStatus.Maximum = s; pgbStatus.Value = p;
Code of project here:

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