Duong Anh

Duong Anh

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Help me C#!

Jan 9 2013 8:36 AM
Hi ! everyone ! I'm student
I have a problem about my project
My project :

i need enter a new Row on datatable and database will upraise to Datagridview on Form

I use code to add new row : 
  DataRow n = tb.NewRow();
 n["FoodName"] = "Pepsi";
 n["Quantity"] = 1;


i have a datagridview
  FoodName (Column)| Quantity(Column)
FoodName Quantity

i want while I click button [Pepsi] , My datagrid will :
FoodName Quantity
 If I Second Click button[pepsi] , my datagird will:....and ect.........Thirth......Fourth...... quantity will 3,4.....
FoodName Quantity

as button CocaCola , Button Coffee

Please Help me !!
my e-mail: [email protected] 
you can send e-mail for me !! Thankyou Everyone read !!! 

Attachment: orderexmini.rar

Answers (23)