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!!!!!! having problem with pocket PC connection to web service !!!!!!

Nov 17 2006 4:14 AM

Halo everyone,

i'm developing C#.Net compact frame[pocket PC] tat link up with ASP.NET web service.

i'm facing a problem now, PLS HELP ME!! urgent

I will be very very greatful


WebException was unhandled


public string HelloWorld() {

object[] results = this.Invoke("HelloWorld", new object[0]);

//"Could not establish connection the network."

return ((string)(results[0]));


//This is web service method, ASP.NET v.2005

[WebMethod(Description = "Hello world")]

public string HelloWorld() {

return "Hello World";



//this is the C#.NET v.2005 compact framework, pocket PC coding

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


localhost.Service s = new localhost.Service();

this.label1.Text = Convert.ToString(s.HelloWorld());
