Priyank Khare

Priyank Khare

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gridview related problem

Aug 14 2012 1:01 AM
 i am facing some problem to store ids of checkboxes which are using in gridview.

for example:-
below is a gridview where page index is true. there are total 8 records. it will display 4 in 1st page of grid view & rest will in other.





1st cell is a template field of checkboxes.
 this is a page 1 of2






this is a page 2 of 2

whenever I'll check "<checkbox2>;<checkbox3>" from 1st & "<checkbox6>;<checkbox8>" from other page of gridview.
then it should display all 4 checkboxes selected row IDs into other webpage.

how can i do this?
please help me.

thank you

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