basit khan

basit khan

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Get Hour & Time in SQL

Nov 19 2015 1:22 AM
In my table I have two Column Start & End both Data Type is datetime.
I want to get the hour and time.
I used this one for hour
I got the hour. But when the Start and End column data are less then hour means time, Start is 0:00 and End 0:15 then return hour is 0
that's why i used min
then i used the case
case when DATEDIFF(hh, dbo.Trn_Daily3.Dr_TimeStart, dbo.Trn_Daily3.Dr_TimeEnd) > 0 then DATEDIFF(hh, dbo.Trn_Daily3.Dr_TimeStart, dbo.Trn_Daily3.Dr_TimeEnd) else DATEDIFF(mi, dbo.Trn_Daily3.Dr_TimeStart, dbo.Trn_Daily3.Dr_TimeEnd) / 60 end
What i want is
I want to show the hour and time
Please help on this

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