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GDI+ rendering differences between XP and Server 2008 when saving WMF as PNG

Sep 24 2009 5:12 PM

I have a problem saving WMF as PNGs on the staging server (Windows Server 2008).
Locally (Windows XP) everything works as expected. Here is the png generated on my development XP machine


and here is the image generated on the staging server( Windows Server 2008)

Hopefully the images loaded fine when you read this and you can clearly see they are not identical even though the same wmf file was used. The image generated on the server has the text way too bold.

Here is the code

 System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(stream);

Any ideas how I could fix this so that the rendering on the staging server would be the same as the one on my development machine ?

Thanks in advance !

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