narasiman rao

narasiman rao

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from my SPoutput, thestudid,namecolumncannot be repeat

Apr 17 2013 7:52 AM

from my SP output, the stud id ,name column cannot be repeat for the same student

 i written the store procedure as follows;
--exec [OH_BatchWise_Collection_Report] 'B10720'
--this store procedure is used to get the batchwise fee collection report
ALTER procedure [dbo].[OH_BatchWise_Collection_Report](@BatchId varchar(10))as
declare @SNo int,
@stud_name varchar(100),
@stud_id varchar(100),
@CrBillNo varchar(20),
@BillNo varchar(20),
@Rcptno varchar(20),
@Rcptdt varchar(20),
@RcptAmt varchar(20),
@Chqtype varchar(20) --added
create table #TempTable(SNo int, Stud_ID varchar(10), Stud_Name varchar(100),
Rcptno varchar(20),Rcptdt varchar(20), RcptAmt varchar(20),Chqtype varchar(20)) --added
declare Batchwise cursor for
select s.stud_id, s.stud_name, cr.cr_bill_no from course_registration cr, batch_course_registration bcr, student s
where cr.stud_id = s.stud_id and bcr.cr_bill_no = cr.cr_bill_no and cr.cr_active = 'A' 
and bcr.bcr_batch_id = @BatchId
SET @SNo = 0
open Batchwise
fetch next from Batchwise into @stud_id, @stud_name, @CrBillNo
While @@Fetch_status = 0
--Getting the receipt details
select @BillNo = bill_no from bill_file2 where cr_bill_no = @CrBillNo and bill_active = 'A'

SET @SNo = @SNo + 1
declare Batchwise_cur cursor for 
select r.rcpt_no, convert(char(12),r.rcpt_dt,106) as Rcptdt, r.rcpt_amt from receipt_file2 r where r.bill_no = @BillNo
open Batchwise_cur
fetch next from Batchwise_cur into @Rcptno, @Rcptdt, @RcptAmt
while @@Fetch_status = 0

set @Chqtype = ''
select @Chqtype =chq_type from cheque_file2 where rcpt_no= @Rcptno
insert into #TempTable values(@SNo, @stud_id, @stud_name, @Rcptno,@Rcptdt,@RcptAmt,@Chqtype) 

fetch next from Batchwise_cur into @Rcptno, @Rcptdt, @RcptAmt
close Batchwise_cur
deallocate Batchwise_cur
fetch next from Batchwise into @stud_id, @stud_name, @CrBillNo
close Batchwise
deallocate Batchwise
select * from #TempTable 
Output as follows;
sno stud_id Name rcptno rcpt date rcpt amt chq type

1 58172 RALPH BENNET .R 1572 21 Apr 2012 100000.00 DEMAND DRAFT 
1 58172 RALPH BENNET .R 1573 21 Apr 2012 59000.00 DEMAND DRAFT 
2 58167 ROBIN S.R 1564 21 Apr 2012 59000.00 DEMAND DRAFT 
2 58167 ROBIN S.R 1890 24 Jun 2012 100000.00 DEMAND DRAFT 

But i want the output as follows;
how can i get the below output.

sno stud_id      Name           rcptno   rcpt date  rcpt amt      chq type

1 58172 RALPH BENNET .R 1572 21 Apr 2012 100000.00 DEMAND DRAFT 
                                           1573 21 Apr 2012 59000.00 DEMAND DRAFT
2 58167      ROBIN S.R       1564 21 Apr 2012 59000.00 DEMAND DRAFT 
                                          1890 24 Jun 2012 100000.00 DEMAND DRAFT 

for getting the above output, in the store procedure code what code i have to written to get the above output.
please help me.
Narasiman P.

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