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Free Online IDE generates C# Code

May 5 2006 6:54 AM




Simple Steps:

1. Get registered as user for free.

2. Login.

3. Create a project.

Prime Features:

1. Drag and Drop fields and texts visually online.

2. Do Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete controls online.

3. Define Primary and Foreign key field(s) online.

4. Define Master-Detail screens online.

5. Define Search , Look-up, Pop-up and Dynamic Combo Loading online.

6. Define Security for Roles of row/column level , user level online.

7. Define login screen online.

8. Define field level, screen level validations online.

9. Define Panels online.

10. Define Style sheets online.

11. Use Calendars online.

12. Define hidden fields online.

13. Define buttons online.

14. Define formulae online.

15. Use anchor tags to link with other pages and pass data online.

16. Do all sort of image operations with image controls online.

17. Save screen online.

18. Set first page online.

19. Run online.

20. Enter data and feel the application online.

21. Easy customization: add or delete fields dynamically online.


22. Automated table design and creation online.

23. Automated Code generation online.

24. Download code for the project you just defined online.

25. Download 100% code in (Asp.Net,C#/MS SQL Server or Oracle)

or (Asp.Net,VB.Net/MS SQL Server/Oracle) online.

More Features:

26. You can make your screens as public templates. Also make use of

available public templates in your project.

27. Make your project public. So that all can run and feel it.

28. Auto data fetch on Tab navigation.

29. Invite other users while you work on your project online.

30. Get your data base backed web applications done online shortly.

"Good For Ad-Hoc In-house Application Development"