sukumar challa

sukumar challa

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Forwarding Outlook mails in original format.

Aug 19 2010 5:48 AM
Hi Guys,

Im developing a desktop applications in VB.Net.

I stuck with critical thinking. I have developed an application which will read all unread emails in the outlook and put in the datagridView in the form. Im trying to forward those unread mails to some specific people by selecting their emails from the Combobox placed in the datagridview in the form.

it is forwarding in the original format only. but if i try to add some extra message to the original mail body the final mail message is completely changing and it is looking like a text format but not in HTML format (original format). and also the original mail message in the outlook is disappearing like subject and body it is showing blank. this is happening for those forward messages only.

Uploaded the attachment of the mail looks like after send the mail message to some one.

Any Help or Code on this please.