Mahesh Chand

Mahesh Chand

  • 2
  • 412.2k
  • 123.6m


Jan 5 2010 8:04 AM
OK guys,
The purpose of the point system and cash reward on the forum is so our members post clear answers on the forums. We are going to review all answered posts by end of the month and remove some of them as accepted answers if they fall in these categories.

The following types of answers will not be accepted as ANSWERED posts.
  • If you post one or more links to external site by googling saying here is the solutions. This is actually not worth rewarding.
  • If you ask users to send you project and do not post clear solution on the forums.
  • Duplicate answer that somebody already has replied same. This is not recommended. Please do not answer if same answer is already posted. Our goal is not to make cash by posting unwanted replies more than once.

Thank you for your support!

Answers (7)