Files are storing in temprorary internet files

Apr 9 2008 1:07 AM
  Wenever m opeining the files from the grid its storing in Temprory internet files. the name of the file wen displaying from grid is sum wat  like dis (Index.pdf shown as Index[1].pdf).

 string sid = gvFiles.SelectedValue.ToString();
        SqlDataReader sqlDr1 = ConDB.GetInfo(sid);
        while (sqlDr1.Read())

                string fileName = sqlDr1[2].ToString();
                string fileLoc = sqlDr1[5].ToString();
                string filetitle = sqlDr1[4].ToString();
                FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(fileName);
                string fExt = fInfo.Extension.ToUpper();
                string url = Server.MapPath(fileLoc + fileName);
                string path = MapPath(fileLoc + fileName);
                Status.Text = path;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Label2.Text = "File Read Failed. Reason is as follows" + ex;


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