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Extracting data from XML and Inserting in Databse

Jan 6 2010 6:34 AM
Dear All,

i am doing project on Client and Server , Every CLient Machine sent the data through XML File to the Server and Server application take the XML file . Now i want that Server Take the XML file extract the data from it and Create Table on Database and update the Data base .

My XML file is like this

<userinfo ID="">GNOME</userinfo>
<userinfo IP="">fe80::18a6:1641:8c45:ba1d%14</userinfo>
<userinfo IP="">2002:73ba:45e2::73ba:45e2</userinfo>
<RAM PartNo="">121212121212121212121212121212121212</RAM>
<RAM Serial_NO="">00006212</RAM>
<RAM RAM_SIZE_MB="">2048</RAM>
<OS Name="">Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Basic </OS>
<Drive Name="">C:</Drive>
<Drive Total_Size_GB="">133.146</Drive>
<Drive Total_Free_Size_GB="23.88905"/>
<Drive Name="">D:</Drive>
<Drive Total_Size_GB="">31.45728</Drive>
<Drive Total_Free_Size_GB="0.6812508"/>
<Drive Name="">E:</Drive>
<Drive Total_Size_GB="">31.45728</Drive>
<Drive Total_Free_Size_GB="5.59768"/>
<Drive Name="">F:</Drive>
<Drive Total_Size_GB="">23.70201</Drive>
<Drive Total_Free_Size_GB="2.203669"/>
<Drive Name="">G:</Drive>
<Drive Total_Size_GB="">20.95789</Drive>
<Drive Total_Free_Size_GB="20.92625"/>
<Harddisk Type="">IDE</Harddisk>
<Harddisk Serial_NO="">None</Harddisk>
<Harddisk Total_Harddisk="">1</Harddisk>

Is this XML file is ok to extract the data or i have to do something else and just want to know how to update the database and Create Table i am using .Net Framework .

I shall be very much thankful for your help and guidence


Answers (2)