Jo Pesce

Jo Pesce

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EXPERTs EXPERTs HELp HELP ...........An Expert C# developer

Dec 30 2009 5:25 PM
What kind of  applicatiosn am I supposed to be able to build order to be an Expert c# developer.
BE careful !
Just imagine you needed a C# Developer[as a BOSS]....what kind of skills would you demand ??
What would you expect me to know ??
......for example    .....  Sharepoint / UML / Reporting Services / JOOMLIA  / Silverlight /  XSLT /  Business Intelligence / Profiler ....or what
Being able to create a Chat / a webservice [like this ....[give me a sample]  / Master-Detail project  / remoting / what else ?

Could you EXPERTs Please tell me what shall I study next ??  ...So that I can have better chances to be hired ?
Give me a honest answer..... select WHAT you think is more important to know !!!!

Thanks AA LOT !

Answers (2)