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dynamic image loading

Oct 7 2009 11:46 AM
I'm getting started on converting an older php page to a nice silverlight one. The page loads any number of images from a directory on the server and displays these in a slideshow. The page loads the images dynamically so the company can alter the images without coding knowlege. How can I set this up in silverlight?


foreach ($fileArray as $fileName){
if (strlen(stristr($fileN, ".gif"))>0){
array_push($imageArray, $fileN);

foreach($imageArray as $imageName){
?>ImageArray.push("mainmenu/ $imageName; ?>");
after loading, it uses a javascript counter and a timer to change the src property of three image tags. I need to do the same thing, but load the images into my silverlight application for better visual effects.

Answers (2)