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Displaying Unicode

Jun 11 2009 4:16 AM

Hi everyone. I want to display a table of unicode in my data grid view table with 32 column to view from \u0000 to \u001f for first row and continue on the second.
I make a loop to automate this function but it just doesn't seem to work correctly.
int numCols = 30;
int startChar = 0x00;
int endChar = 0xFF;
List<string> row = new List<string>();
for (int
ch = startChar; ch <= endChar; ++ch)
string.Format("\\u000{0:x}", ch));
             if (row.Count == numCols)
private void addToDataGrid(string[] strings)

        foreach (string str in strings)
Witht he code above, i encountered:
1. The unicode is not displayed but the number itself is. (example: \u000f)
2. i have 32 columns.  the displayed result is that each \u0000 will repeat for 30 rows too before going to \u0010 and repeat for 30 rows again.

I tried to edit but can't really get it to work. Please help.
And is there anyway to make the 4 unit hex editable instead of just the last 2?
Thanks everyone. Need it for my school project.