narasiman rao

narasiman rao

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display selected row data from the gridview to dropdownlist.

Jul 21 2015 12:09 PM
  When i click the Button Popup will be displayed in that popup gridview will be displayed. in gridview record as follows.

Linkbutton(Header text) Available dates Close(Button)

Link button AFF : Date - 27 Jul 2015 To - 01 Aug 2015
Link button MFA : Date - 01 Jul 2015 To - 04 Jul 2015
Link button RMC: Date - 05 Jul 2015 To - 01 Jul 2015

When i click close button popup will be closed.

When i click the Link button of each 1st row in gridview i want to display the AFF date
27 Jul 2015 in the dropdownlist.

Similarly when i click the Link button of 2nd row in gridview i want to display MFA date 01 jul 2015 in the dropdownlist

Similarly when i click the Linkbutton of 3rd row in gridview i want to display RMC date 05 jul 2015 in the dropdownlist.

I have one accordion control. in accordion control record as follows.

AFF Dropdownlist
MFA Dropdownlist
RMC Dropdownlist

I want output as follows in the accordion control when i click the link button in gridview of each row selected date to be displayed from the gridview to the dropdownlist of accordion control.

AFF 27 Jul 2015
MFA 01 Jul 2015
RMC 05 Jul 2015

for that how can i do in using c#. 

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