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Deploying Winservice

Oct 5 2005 3:24 PM
I've recently devloped my first windows service with VS2005.  My devlopment box runs XP and has the 2.0 .NET beta SDK.  The service works great locally during debug and using a setup application to install and run it.  The problem arises when I deploy to the host server, Win2003.  The service installs correctly but when attempting to start if fails with the following error in the Sytem Log:

The XmlFoPDF service failed to start due to the following error:

The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

And this error in the Application Log:

EventType clr20r3, P1 fopqueue.exe, P2, P3 43441dd6, P4 system, P5, P6 425750b1, P7 3327, P8 84, P9 system.argumentexception, P10 NIL.

The service is fairly simple.  Monitors a folder, logs to the Event Log, and occasionaly launches an external process.  However, it fails to start every time on Win2003.

Any ideas?

