jonathan 0

jonathan 0

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DBConcurrencyException not working!!

Sep 29 2004 12:07 PM
Hello, I am updating a SQL Server table with a stored procedure from my C# code. I am checking for concurrency by using a row id and row timestamp in my where clause of the stored procedure. I know things are working because if the row is modified in the SQL table after my DataSet is filled the update fails. I cannot catch a DBConcurrencyException in my code however!! the basics are try { daPeriods.Update(dsAccounts,"dtPeriods") } catch (DBConcurrencyException exDBC) { HandleDBCex(exDBC); } finally { Global.cnn.Close(); } Even thought the daPeriods.Update fails I go directly to "finally" If anyone can help me with this I will provide more details THANK YOU!! jmatt

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