Date Validation

Dec 6 2007 12:34 AM
Validate the "Expire Date (when entering invalid dates), and display a custom message

·         Field name is = tbToDate there only 1 field and I have code for 2 fields… bcz correct me…

private string  CreateWhereStr()


                  string  strWhere= "";

                  string  strWhereFromDate = tbFromDate.Text.ToString();

                  string  strWhereEndDate  = tbToDate.Text.ToString();



                        if (( strWhereFromDate.ToString() != "" )   && (strWhereEndDate.ToString() != ""  ))


                              DateTime  WhereFromDate = ConvertDate(strWhereFromDate) ;

                              DateTime  WhereEndDate =  ConvertDate(tbToDate.Text.ToString()) ;

                              if (WhereFromDate.Date > WhereEndDate.Date )


                                    throw new ArgumentException(" ‘To Date’ must be bigger than ‘From Date’.");




                                    strWhere = strWhere +  "  AND to_date(EXPIRE_DATE) > to_date('" + strWhereFromDate.ToString() +  "','dd/MM/yyyy') AND to_date(EXPIRE_DATE) < to_date('" +   strWhereEndDate.ToString()+ "','dd/MM/yyyy')"  ;



                        else if (( strWhereFromDate.ToString() != ""  ) && (strWhereEndDate.ToString() == ""  ))


                              strWhere = strWhere +  " AND  to_date(EXPIRE_DATE) > to_date('" + strWhereFromDate.ToString()+ " ' ,'dd/MM/yyyy')"  ;



                        else if (( strWhereFromDate.ToString() == ""  ) && (strWhereEndDate.ToString() != ""  ))


                              strWhere = strWhere +  " AND to_date(EXPIRE_DATE) < to_date ('" +   strWhereEndDate.ToString()+ " ' ,'dd/MM/yyyy')"  ;



                  catch( Exception ex)


                        throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message.ToString()) ;


                  return strWhere ;



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