Bull Halsey

Bull Halsey

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Datasets and DataGrid Views in VB .NET 2008

Jun 7 2010 8:34 PM

Here is my situation. 
I have 2 tables.
Table 1 has information that needs to be displayed one record at a time. 
The information is being displayed in separate text boxes; Name, Address, City, State, and ZIP
Table 2 has information relevant to the information contained within Table 1.
This information is "Previous Address" for this person.
I need to have the applicable records from Table 2 synchronized so that when a record in Table 1 is being displayed within the text boxes, the
corresponding record within Table 2 is displayed in a Datagrid View.
The tables are in SQL2005 and the programming language is VB .NET 2008
My question:  What is the "best way" to accomplish this task?
Thanks in advance!

Answers (1)