Crystal Reports Custom Paper Size problem in ASP.Net Report Document

Jun 29 2006 4:22 AM

Dear All,

I am using Crystal Reports for my web appplication. The Report which I have designed is for the paper whose height half of that of A4 but the width is same as A4. I have created a custom papersize in my printer properties. When i am using this papersize for my crystal report it is not displaying the report in correct size.

Sample Source:

Dim Rdoc as new ReportDocument

The code doesnt work.
I have even tried using the PrintOptions.PaperSize

Dim R as new Rpt_Receipt

But the output has same height as that of the A4 and not my custom height.

I have also changed the paper size properties in my browser and printer.
Even then I couldnt get a proper output.

Is there any way to create a custom paper size.

Pleas let me know if anyone have the solution.

-- Gangadhar.