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Creating a DLL Class with dynamic webservices

Oct 4 2010 6:30 PM
Hi all,

   I have a question/problem that i really need to fix.

   I have created a C# DLL class that acesses remote systems via WebServices... so naturally i have created a web reference... all works great, but imagine that i need to repoint the webservice...

In standard programs i would edit the App Configuration File or Web.config and repoint... imagine from http://myservername_1.com/mycode.asp into http://myservername_2.com/mycode.asp

But in DLL Classes the web reference is hardcoded on the DLL class (i have confirm it on the binary data) file changing the configuration file means nothing.

How can this be done ? how can i have dynamicly web references on a .DLL class build in C#

Thanks in advanced
Miguel Angelo... New to C# a bit older at Perl/Linux