albert albert

albert albert

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Create PDF via Webservice

Mar 19 2014 4:22 AM
Hi Everybody,
I want to create PDF via Webservice:
this is the webservice method:
Public Function CreatePDFWithUrl(ByVal Url As String, ByVal Landscape As Boolean, ByVal Width As Integer, ByVal Height As Integer, ByVal BrowserWidth As Integer) As <System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(DataType:="base64Binary")> Byte()
Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("CreatePDFWithUrl", New Object() {Url, Landscape, Width, Height, BrowserWidth})
Return CType(results(0),Byte())
End Function
AND this is the method:
Dim filesForPDFF As New List(Of FileForPDF) 'Iv add this
Dim aFiles As New List(Of String) 'iv add this
Dim pdfok As New Relyon_References.PDFServicesClass(AdminKey)
Dim filesForPDF As New List(Of Relyon_References.PDFServicesClass())
For Each f As String In aFiles
If File.Exists(f) Then
Dim fileFrPDF As New Relyon_References.PDFServicesClass
Dim pdffiles As New FileForPDF
fileFrPDF.CreatePDFWithUrl(filesForPDF.ToString(), True, 0, BrowserWidth, PaperSize) = f
pdffiles.FileContent = File.ReadAllBytes(f)
'Clean up
End If
Thank you 

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