Sri Ram

Sri Ram

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Copying Specific series of text ina RichTexBox and assigning it to a list

Oct 10 2010 9:06 PM

Am developing a automated system(using for the processes which we follow in our work environment.

One of the process, we have to convert the given word document into our work related file called MDD(*.MDD). This MDD document is a special type of text file. The conversion process from .doc to .MDD is done manually as of now.

The application which am developing aims to automate this conversion process.

For this, i have a RichTextBox in my form which contains the content of the word document. I insert some tags (similar to tags in HTML but custom made for this purpose) in between text/paragraph to distinguish them.

For Example: Let us take the below is a text is a part of the word document.

The leading .NET charting control now features PDF, Flash and Silverlight export, visualization of large datasets and more. Deliver true charting functionality to your BI, Scorecard, Presentation or Scientific apps. Download evaluation now.


The leading .NET charting control now features PDF, Flash and Silverlight export, visualization of large datasets and more. Deliver true charting functionality to your BI, Scorecard, Presentation or Scientific apps. Download evaluation now.

Now, I would like to iterate through each line copying the text in between <CUSTOMTAG> (calling this as QText)  </CUSTOMTAG> tags and assigning that QText to a list, so that some extra things can be done.

Can someone help me on how to achieve this programatically. Please do reply if am not clear.

Thanks in advance.