COM exeception on website after it is published

Jul 18 2010 12:00 PM

I created a website using VStudio 2005. I have code to read e-mails from Lotus Notes. I debugged and tested the application using the Development server that comes with VStudio 2005 and it works properly. I published this website to my local drive in order to perform further testing. When I test the page I created to read Lotus Notes e-mails, I get the following error.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040FA0): Notes error: Could not open the ID file at Domino.NotesSessionClass.Initialize(String pPassword) at LotusNotesDb.initialize(String keyword, String notesServer, String notesFile)

private NotesDatabase db = null;

private NotesSession session = null;

private string sessionStatus = null;


public void initialize(string keyword, string notesServer, string notesFile)



        sessionStatus = "connected";



            setSession(new NotesSession());


            setDb(getSession().GetDatabase(notesServer, notesFile, false));


        catch (Exception e)


            sessionStatus = "Not connected "  + e.ToString();




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