Nitin Goel

Nitin Goel

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Change Text Box Design

Jun 23 2014 5:34 AM
I want to show my text box as Process Box(Flow Chart Process Box).Following code change looks of text box but it will be not editable now.Please help.Thanks in advance.

<TextBox Text="It's a TextBox control">
                   <Style TargetType="TextBox">
                       <Setter Property="Template">
                                   <Path Style="{StaticResource Process}" ToolTip="Process">
                                               <Path Style="{StaticResource Process_DragThumb}"/>

<Style x:Key="Process" TargetType="Path" BasedOn="{StaticResource FlowChartItemStyle}">
   <Setter Property="Data" Value="M 0,0 H 60 V40 H 0 Z"/>
 <Style x:Key="Process_DragThumb" TargetType="Path" BasedOn="{StaticResource Process}">
   <Setter Property="IsHitTestVisible" Value="true"/>
   <Setter Property="Fill" Value="Transparent"/>
   <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Transparent"/>