Can't get member of generic list in dropdownlist

Nov 28 2007 3:04 PM

Hi, I'm a newbee to I hope someone can help me.

I've created a BLL and DAL layer to get a country list out of my database.

In my asp page I have a dropdownlist where I would show the countries.

Asp page:

lstbCountry.DataSource = Country_BLL.GetAllCountry();



namespace HelpdeskApplication


public class Country_BLL : Country_get_set


public Country_BLL()



public static List<Country_get_set> GetAllCountry()


List<Country_get_set> countryList = new List<Country_get_set>();

return countryList = Country_DAL.GetAll();





public static List<Country_get_set> GetAll()


SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);

List<Country_get_set> CountryList = new List<Country_get_set>();

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();



cmd.Connection = cn;

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

cmd.CommandText = "CountrySelectAllSorted_SP";


SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

while (dr.Read())


Country_get_set country = new Country_get_set();

country.Id = (int)dr["Id"];

country.Country = dr["country"].ToString();




catch (Exception ex)








return CountryList;


get set class

this is the class where BLL and DAL inherit from

namespace HelpdeskApplication


public class Country_get_set


private int id;

public int Id { get { return id; } set { id = value; } }

private string country;

public string Country { get { return country; } set { country = value; } }



I have 3 test countries in my database,

the result in the listbox is 3 times HelpDeskApplication.Country_get_set (namespace + file from inheritance.

Debug show me that the members Id and Country are one level lower then HelpDeskApplication.Country_get_set.


Hopes this is clear enough to understand

many thanks in advance