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Calling CoCreateInstance in C# (C++ to C# migration)

May 27 2010 8:05 AM

Hi all,

I am migrating some code from C++ to a C# WebService, and specifically I use CoCreateInstance in the C++ code. I have two questions that interests me:

1) Is it possible to integrate a C++ code into the C# code?

2) If not, is there an equivalent CoCreateInstance in C#?


For more info, I import two files which are #include "SmsMsgAPI.h", #include "SmsMsgAPI_i.c". Then the CoCreateInstance looks like this:


sLocationRequest = sNewLocationRequest.AllocSysString();

        sMPIPAddress = sMPIP.AllocSysString();





        //Create root messaging object

        _CHECKHR( ::CoCreateInstance(





                    (LPVOID*)&pMessaging) );


        //Create message object for request

        _CHECKHR( pMessaging->CreateMessage(&pRequest) );


        //Set the target of the message to the Location Manager endpoint

        _CHECKHR( pRequest->SetTargetEndpoint(L"MP_LocationManager") );


        //Set the message body with the request

        _CHECKHR( pRequest->SetBodyFromString(sLocationRequest) );


        // Invoke the targeted endpoint on the local machine with the request,

        // and retrieve the reply.

        _CHECKHR( pMessaging->Invoke(sMPIPAddress, pRequest, &pReply) );


        // Extract body from reply message.

        _CHECKHR( pReply->GetBodyToString(&pszReplyMessage) );


        wprintf(L"\n\nReply from MP:\n%s", (wchar_t *) pszReplyMessage);




Thank you in advance!

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