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C# switch statment

Mar 16 2004 10:08 PM
I don't wish to tell you what my program is, since it would be pointless and the program is fairly short. So I will just show you my problem. I'm trying to compare a input by the user with a data filed with in an object. Here is the swtich statment. code:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Icodon = Console.ReadLine(); for(int i=0;i < codons.Length;i++) { switch(Icodon) { case codons[i].codon1: Console.WriteLine(codons[i].codon1); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Default"); break; } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- here is the object, its defined: code:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- codon methCodon = new codon("Methionine", "ATG", null, null, null,null, null); codon[] codons = new codon[1]; codons[0]=methCodon; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I also put it in an object array, can anyone tell me whats wrong? Here is the error when I compile it: code:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C:\Documents and Settings\***\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\RNA\Class1.cs(56): A constant value is expected --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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