Madiha Khalid

Madiha Khalid

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C# Setup.exe file not woking

Apr 6 2010 11:46 PM
i am using c# 2008 express edition i wants to publish my project ... infect i have published my project but its setup.exe file is not working on that pc where the C# is not installed .. how could i catch this prblm i wants to run my project on that System where there is no installed C# or .NEt ...  also i have already installed .net framework in my pc .... although in my pc setup is completly and accuraltely ruan and also install on my computer but i want to run my project on another computer and it giver error whenevr i have change my computer also my project is also not not run on another pc and error like this::Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store.

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