c# no Overload for method'method name' takes 0 arguments

Aug 22 2009 8:19 AM
I can't sem to run my methods from the form.cs. I keep getting the above error. My Code is below. form1.cs namespace aDayAtTheRaces { public partial class Form1 : Form { public int MinBet; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); //set the minimum bet; //initialize Greyhound index array //initialize each Greyhound object and relevant fields/properties Greyhound[] dogs = new Greyhound[4]; dogs[0] = new Greyhound() { MyPictureBox = pictureBox2}; dogs[1] = new Greyhound() { MyPictureBox = pictureBox3}; dogs[2] = new Greyhound() { MyPictureBox = pictureBox4}; dogs[3] = new Greyhound() { MyPictureBox = pictureBox5}; //initialize Guy index array //initialize each Guy object and relevant fields/properties Guy[] guys = new Guy[3]; guys[0] = new Guy() { Cash = 50, Name = "Joe", MyBet = null, MyRadioButton = radioButtonJoe, MyLabel = labelJoe}; guys[1] = new Guy() { Cash = 75, Name = "Bob", MyBet = null, MyRadioButton = radioButtonBob, MyLabel = labelBob}; guys[2] = new Guy() { Cash = 45, Name = "Al", MyBet = null, MyRadioButton = radioButtonAl, MyLabel = labelAl}; int Dog = (int)dogNumber.Value; int RacetrackLength = pictureBox1.Width; } private void buttonBets_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bet.GetDescription(); Guy.PlaceBet(); } private void buttonRace_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //If the dogs location property is greater than start location but less than max location keep running //If not display box that says "Please wait until race finishes" { Greyhound.Run(); } Grehound cs namespace aDayAtTheRaces { public class Greyhound { public int StartingLocation; public int RacetrackLength; public PictureBox MyPictureBox = null; public int Location = 0; public Random Randomiser; public bool winner; public bool Run() //Move dog forward either 1, 2, 3 or 4 spaces at random and update the position of my PictureBox and //return true if I won the race { Greyhound[] dogs = new Greyhound[4]; int[] spaces = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; while (winner == false) { //Generating random number (1-4) and calling it X int distance = spaces[Randomiser.Next(spaces.Length)]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { //for each dog add the number on to the X point System.Drawing.Point p = MyPictureBox.Location; p.X += distance; MyPictureBox.Location = p; dogs[i].MyPictureBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(25, 55); } } MessageBox.Show("We have a winner - dog #" + winner); return true; } public void TakeStartingPosition() // Reset my dogs position to the start line { Greyhound[] dogs = new Greyhound[4]; dogs[0].MyPictureBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(25, 55); dogs[1].MyPictureBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(25, 116); dogs[2].MyPictureBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(25, 183); dogs[3].MyPictureBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(25, 249); } } } namespace aDayAtTheRaces { public class Bet { public int Amount; public int Dog; public Guy Bettor; public string GetDescription(string Name, int MyBet, int Dog) //Returns a string that says who placed a bet, on what dog and for how much ("Joe bets £10 on dog #1") //If the amount is zero, display ("'Name' hasn't placed a bet yet") { if (Amount == 0) { return (Name + " hasn't placed a bet."); } else { return (Name + "bets £" + MyBet + " on dog # " + Dog); } } public int PayOut(int Winner) //Parameter is winner of race. If my dog won return the amount bet, otherwise return the negative of the amount bet. { if (Dog == Winner) { return Amount; } else { return -Amount; } } } } namespace aDayAtTheRaces { public class Guy { public String Name; public Bet MyBet; public int Cash; public RadioButton MyRadioButton; public Label MyLabel; public int Amount; public int Dog; public void UpdateLabels() //Set my label to my bets description, and the label on my radio buton to show my cash ("Joe has 35 pounds left") { this.MyRadioButton.Text = (Name + "has " + Cash + " pounds"); this.MyLabel.Text = (Name + "bets " + Amount + "pounds on dog #" + Dog); } public void ClearBet() { this.MyBet = null; } public bool PlaceBet(int Amount, int Dog, String Name) //Place a new bet and store it in my bet field and return true if the guy had enough money to bet { this.MyBet = new Bet(); { if (Cash >= Amount) { Cash = Cash - Amount; MyLabel = new Label(); UpdateLabels(); return true; } else { return false; } } } public void Collect(int Winner) { MyBet.PayOut(Winner); } } }

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