D Rhoades

D Rhoades

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C# newbie-error with program.cs and possible issue with DataRelation on many-to-many relationship

Feb 27 2009 11:17 AM

This is my first C# project and I'm building an application to track books I've read and want to read. Here's the code in my datahandling class. I am getting a Debug error on Application.Run that says "Starting a second message loop on a single thread is not a valid operation. Use Form.ShowDialog instead. Is this error truly about that line of the code or about my class?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace BooksAuthors
    static class Program
        static void Main()
            Application.Run(new MainForm());

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace BooksAuthors
    internal class ClassDataHandling
        //BooksAuthors.ClassDataHandling _sqlData;

        public void MainDataClass()
            //specify SQL connection string
            string connString = @"Server=RHOADESD;Integrated Security=True;" +
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString);

            SqlDataAdapter booksAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
                "Select * from books", conn);
            SqlDataAdapter bkauthlinkAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
                "Select * from bkauthlink", conn);
            SqlDataAdapter authorAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
                "Select * from authors", conn);


            //Create DataSet to contain related data tables, rows and columns
            DataSet BookAuthDataSet = new DataSet("BookAuthors");
            booksAdapter.Fill(BookAuthDataSet, "books");
            bkauthlinkAdapter.Fill(BookAuthDataSet, "bkauthlink");
            authorAdapter.Fill(BookAuthDataSet, "authors");


            DataRelation book = BookAuthDataSet.Relations.Add(
                "BookRel", BookAuthDataSet.Tables["books"].Columns["booksID"],
            DataRelation author = BookAuthDataSet.Relations.Add(
                "AuthRel", BookAuthDataSet.Tables["authors"].Columns["authorsID"],

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