Nur Fasiha

Nur Fasiha

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C#: Month field not displaying

Jan 11 2010 8:43 PM
Hi. I need some C# expert help.
I have the DOB dropdown and I already got the Day and Year field out to display but not the month. Is there any ways that you could help? 
Here are my codes:
  int col = 0;
                arrDOB = new ArrayList();
                DateTime dob = Convert.ToDateTime(varDOB);

                if (varDOB != "")
                       if (col == 0)
                            //Populates the day
                            ddlDay.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(dob.Day)).Selected = true;

                        else if (col == 1)
                            //Populates the month
                            ddlMonth.SelectedValue = dob.Month.ToString();
                          // ddlMonth.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(dob.Month)).Selected = true;
                          // ddlMonth.Visible = true;
                //Populates the year
                ddlYear.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(dob.Year)).Selected = true;


Thanks. :))

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