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c# Login page difficulties

Jan 20 2007 11:48 AM

hi guys,

Im a complete novice at c# web programming on visual studio 2005 so i'm looking for guidance.

Im developing a website that requires a login page. i have 2 textboxes called txtUsername and txtPassword and a button btnLogin on my login.aspx page. I have created a MS SQL server database called CCR.mdf and have a table in it called tblLogin which has the following fields - Login_ID, Username & Password. How do you make it so that once a username and password have been entered and the button has been clicked, the db is searched for a match.if a match is found, the person would then be redirected to another page e.g members.aspx.

apologies for being vague but i just dont have a clue about connection strings, web.config files or anythin remotely technical.

any help would be appreciated.
