Building DataBase & All DataBase Object with Sample Data

Jun 28 2010 5:58 AM


Recent we are deploy(Setup and Deploy) our Product which is develop in ASp.Net(C#) using SqlServer  Here We Face one Problem i.e.

When we install the porduct there is no issue if we manually run the sqlScript file in sql server(manully we create the DataBase and All DataBase Object i.e. Table,StoreProcedure,Function,Views....& We are  enter the Sample Data) But We know that is not the Right Approch.

Any one Can tell me the procedure "How to Building DataBase & All DataBase Object with Sample Data when we click the Install and set up file"

In Setup and Deploy wized it ask for any Dependence file for the application i have attach the Dependence file(.sql) but i am not getting any OutPut .

Is there any Command prompt Utility(SqlServer/VS Commandprompt) ?????

If any One know the Procedure plese Help Me or any sutilble URL link Or Advice....


Prasanta Kumar Pradhan

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