vipin saini

vipin saini

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bind gridview from 2 tables using xml linq query

Sep 28 2010 4:51 AM

i have a xml which contain 13 tables , i want to join two tables  .to display 2 tables data in 1 gridview , i am using linq query but it is not working properly the code is below plz  see it and tell me right suggestion.

var employeeinfo = from p in ds2.Tables[11].AsEnumerable()
join c in ds2.Tables[12].AsEnumerable()
on p.Field<int>("TPA_Extensions_Id") equals c.Field<int>("TPA_Extensions_Id") into UP
from c in UP.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
TPA_Extensions_Id = p.Field<
BasicPropertyInfo_Id = p.Field<
RPH = c.Field<
GridView1.DataSource = employeeinfo;

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