Suthish Nair

Suthish Nair

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Big Deal? Web Vs Windows Application developer...

Nov 9 2010 3:38 AM


All who those into development or any other related to MS Technologies.
Can we have a discussion please, share your experience.

I started my career as ASP programmer, then directly moved into VB 6.0, enjoyed developing exe's.

But when VS 2003 launched, i was mostly into web site developments.
I rarely worked on widows projects, but never avoided.
For my learning purposes still develop exe's.

Now a stage came, am more like a web application developer (dont know such a word exists :-))
but also knows windows application.

But, most of the companies needs people who can work on both.

But why? whats the big deal?

There a huge lists of MS Technologies available.
I read somewhere MS concentrating more into sharepoint related technologies,
which more into website developements.

So why cant we choose our taste.

A Web Application Developer,, WCF, WF, sharepoint.. etc.
A Windows Application Developer, WPF, WCF, WF.. etc.

Most of the new comers or experienced persons still in struggle to choose which path to select for a good career.

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