Eben Coarsey

Eben Coarsey

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Beginner Problem with StreamWriter

Oct 25 2010 1:26 PM
I am using StreamWriter to debug a stock trading program and my code creates the file, but will not write to it.  I am sure I am missing something simple.  I know the method is being used because the D() command you see writes to a debug window.  I am not sure what I am missing but the file is created, but always empty.

public class SterlingDebug : ResponseTemplate
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Documents and Settings\ecoarsey\SterlingIssue10222010.txt");     
int i = 0; public override void GotTick(Tick tick) {
i++; if (i < 11) { D(tick.ToString()); writer.WriteLine("Tick #: {0}",i); }

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