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basic game making help please

Jul 26 2008 7:57 PM


I've learned a little C# and got interested in game programing so i started out with a simple pong game.  Now a little later i want to refine this game to make the same game, just with more advanced algorithems.  I am having some trouble finding help via google and was recommend to do a post here.  i need want to do the following:

1. use a render loop instead of the timer control (it feels like cheating to use that)

2. use bitmaps instead of picture boxes (cheating again)

3. make the ball bounce at different angles depending on where it hits the paddel

4. add AI instead of it being solely a two player game

the last one i can probably do my self but i need help with the first three and ive found very little help online

thanks in advance for any help

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